Babsie's blog
The life and times of BABSIE
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Previous Posts
- Note the technique of the retired racing greyhound...
- HeyLo
- The gang's all here...
- Dannyboy soaked me and was quite pleased with hims...
- Not the best picture of Em but she just came up fr...
- Chez and Eeha enjoy the refreshing cool water (it ...
- Billybobby loves the water and even ventures into ...
- Dannyboy has some fun with water....he loves squir...
- Cool dude Josh sits poolside.
- Dannyboy finally found something to play with.
About Me
- Name: Babsie
- Location: far far away, New Jersey, United States
I am currently working as a nurse extern for the summer and i also work as a Drs assistant. I am the single mother of 4 beautiful kids and we have 2 dogs, 3 cats and a rabbit, but that changes periodically. Almost done school now...ok..don't wanna jinx that so i knock on wood...keep me in your thoughts and prayers because i REALLY need it to get through these next 8 months...drop me a line...leave me a message...hey...that could be a song...ok...i am so tired and i am rambling on...peace out...(as dianna would say) ya Di..and El, Col, Kimmie, Tubale, Alisha, Dawnie, Bev, Stacie, Eugene, Mike and Mike and smart Mark and all my homies in lates well.....alll that above is behind me now...i am now an RN...YAY!!!! i did it!!! most of that is still true...i have the animals except for the bunny...he passed away... but now i am an RN at OLOL in the PCU...yay!! and i am still a Dr's assistant... nuff the blog to get the rest of the updates ciao baby
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