Sunday, May 21, 2006



it seems to be taking me over...

I took the dogs for a walk
usually I am in such a hurry with
studying, cleaning, cooking, wash and kids
that I either don't have time for it
I take them for very short walks...
but not today...
I took a very long, relaxing, beautiful walk...
I know..
I know..
it seems like such a minute thing..
small in it's own right...
a walk..
most everyone does it...
most everyone takes it for granted...
not me...
not today...
with every step I took
it seemed
as if the anxiousness dissolved...
the stress seemed to lessen...
and I relaxed...
I could see the beauty around me..
and I could appreciate it..
all of it...
the gentle breezes
the rustling of the leaves
the scent of honeysuckle floating in the air
the rich green of the lush lawns
the vibrant colors of all the gardens
the deep, lovely blue skies
the sweet songs of the many birds
the lapping of the gentle waves as they rolled onto the shoreline
the distant philly skyline with the majestic towers tickling the underbelly of the skies
and the air is peaceful
and the sky is peaceful
and I am, slowly but surely, beginning the long journey of feeling peaceful

I look back over the past few years and it just feels as if I was off to war
with what??
I don't know
with who??
I am not sure

but what I am sure about is
I feel like I am on familiar ground
I am back on the homefront
and the past years
...distant memories

the friends will remain
the wonderful memories,
they are there forever

with every step
with every breath
the tension lessens
the anxiety dwindles
the apprehension diminishes

and I am coming home


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