Friday, June 17, 2005

I am back...

OK...let me start off by saying that I am not a big computer Potty (Scotty Potty to be exact) has installed the software and he is the one to take care of the computer (I am not blaming him for anything simply giving the background of the situation) anyway.. there was an activation thingy so I tried to do what it said then it said that the number whosiewhatsit had been used too many times...I don't know how that is possible because it was brand new I was beside myself and I had to wait to talk to Pot and he told me what to do and I did it and now here I am...YEA!!! for me and for all of my many many faithful readers ;) .

Now the updates...ho Mom is doing much better so now it is my Dad's turn to worry everyone. He has to go in for a cardiac cath on Monday, and since OLOL is the #1 cardiac hospital in the tri state area he will be coming to my hospital and since I work on the cardiac floor for critical cardiac patients there is a good chance that I could be his nurse. (He is not happy about it :) LOL) He is not happy because when they do a cardiac cath they go through the main artery in the groin and the priority nursing objective is to check the groin for hematoma, bleeding and ecchymosis...he does not want me doing it and believe it or not I do NOT want to check his groin either so there is no problem I would get someone else to do it. ANYWAY...he needs to go for the cath because he had a + stress test (which he was getting done as prep work for the kidney transplant) and they want to check for blockages and whatnot so they scheduled a cath. I swear that we did not worry my parents as much growing up as THEY worry us now.

Other news...there is not is out for all of my kiddies so now they are home ALL the time, the pool is STILL not ready because I simply have not had time, the weather has FINALLY changed and it is a gorgeously beautiful day ( it has been SO SO SO SO hot here), I am LOVING work...yesterday I witnessed a code for the first time and I was so impressed by ALL the people and the job they was an awesome sight to behold (I am just hoping that the patient will be alright), I am now waiting on a call from my sister because I would really like to do something today, and I can't think of anymore news so I think I will call it a blog. That's the news and I am out of here.

Have a totally awesome day!!!


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