Sunday, January 08, 2006

Lord God Almighty...

I have to say that I have read some blogs here and it seems like blah blah blah blah...wah wah wah...cry cry cry...GET OVER it are in your life...LIVE it...don't cry about it...if you do not like something CHANGE the best of your your life...don't sit there crying and watching life pass you by....rocking in a chair...thinking about the way things could have been or should have been...MAKE your is not about finding yourself it is about creating yourself...think about the person that you want to be and BE that person...stop whining about how other people have made your life miserable and YOU make your life happy...get out there and enjoy life and live it to the fullest...and if that means sitting in your living room and watching a really funny movie and LYAO than DO it...if it means walking the dog in the rain..then do can find happiness and beauty all around is there sitting..waiting to be noticed..waiting for someone to come along and to say..hey what a beautiful thingamabob that was...then you have seen the beauty of the thingamabob and you have made the day of the thingamabob a happy one....YES...there are times that things come along and shake us to our cores but then...we get up..brush ourselves off and move on...if we stay there in that moment then we sink as if in quicksand and it becomes harder and harder to get out of that sad lonely place...I speak these words because I have been there...stuck in the quicksand...sinking.. drowning...lonely...then one day I had enough and I picked myself up and started on a long, tough, painful journey...I am not quite at the end of that journey but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...I know that all the stress and crap that I have gone through will be well worth it and I have SO many good memories and have made so many great friends along the way that I would not trade those experiences good and bad for the old life...

right now I feel like I have tempted fate so I will shut up and hope that fate will leave me, and let me finish my journey and enjoy the benefits that I have worked so long and hard for...


Blogger THE WOMAN said...

This are problem of the world. if the person don't thinks about this... the life never changed... The people cry because the world are so bad... the people are so bad... Crying is the life... is normal.. isn't "patologico"... If you are sick... you don't smile... you cry... Certo?

8:23 AM  
Blogger Babsie said...

Elda...there are problems in the world and i am not so naive or cold hearted that i don't know and understand this...i KNOW that we all need to cry and to be depressed at some time BUT...we also need to not get lost in that depression...we need to take control of our lives and if we are at the point of pure and utter sadness we need to find a way out of it...for that you have to look inside one can do it for you...and there are bad people in the has been that way since the beginning of time BUT there are far greater numbers of good people in the don't have to look too far...they are there...and YOU can do things to bring out the good in people....i have a motto..
(actually it is not mine that i thought of but one that i heard and think it is such a good one)
"practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty" things for people...little things...for example...everytime i meet someone...anywhere...on the the the toll booth...i always smile and say have a good is so little and so simple but you affect that person in a positive way..then they in turn do the same for someone makes you feel good and they feel good and then they make someone else feel good and you have started the ball is not just that little thing.. there is so much you can do to make you feel good about people and life...everytime there is a person putting groceries in their car and i am walking by...i stop and ask that person if they want help...sometimes they do and sometimes they don't, but the fact that i asked them makes me feel good about it and it makes them feel good that someone cared enough to kids see this and it affects them...they say.."'re so nice" but for me it does more than shows them to respect people and to be nice to people so that maybe one day when they are older they will be the same way...and you know kids already do those it seems to be working...people are people...some suck and some are great...but most people live their lives somewhere in between...don't let the bad ones get you down and control your happiness or lack thereof...don't let them beat you...if you stay in sadness then they have won...they control you....don't let it happen...reach down in the core of your being and pull out that person yearning to break free of the sadness...

10:28 AM  

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