Sunday, February 26, 2006 suck

you know why they suck...i mean big time suck...because i spend them in my pjs studying and doing massive amounts of homework...i can't even look forward to spring break cause i will have to do so much homework over that week....geez....the good thing is the end is in sight...8 more clinical weeks...9 more lecture weeks and 10 weeks till graduation....thank GOD and praise the Lord!!!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I am back....can I hear a woot woot!!!!

What the heck.....there is something just not right...i tried to leave a message and had problems...let's see if i can manage this time...

ok...after weeks of no pc i am finally back...yea!! for me...

i know i am behind in the modems for trends but i will catch up asap....

the modem was fried in a freak power surge and i have not had time to get it fixed so yesterday in between school..lunch..taking markie for surgery...(he is ok btw)..the other kiddies...many chores and much studying and homework it has been completed...i am back online...wahoo!!

i do have to get caught up on things but i thought to just let ya'll know that i am back...i know most people are happy about it but i am sure that one or two people are really pissed about it what i have to say to you is GET OVER IT!!! (jan) :) still love ya though and i have some nice pics of you at work...i know you thought that no one was looking but I WAS!!! hee hee hee...
i will post so that i can lmao...see ya soon...

btw....a quick hello would not be objected leave one...thanks...


Friday, February 17, 2006


i have no internet...there was a power surge the other day and i lost the i am not sure how to fix it and i simply do not have time to try and fix it..i am currently posting from my brother's house....anyway

have a great time till i get back

i will miss you all :( :( :( :(

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This question I pose to you...

How would you live your life if you knew that today would be your last???

Monday, February 13, 2006

Images and posts editing

Part one: better looking images
Sometimes the images taken with the automatic settings of your cam need a little adjustment to look better on the computer display, since it is different from the print.
You need some image/photo editing software.
Here is an example of a little image editing using an old version of PaintShopPro 7.04 with pre-defined filters for contrast and saturation.

Original picture

More contrast and saturation

Part two: how to compose images and text in the blog posts
You need to use the "Edit Html" instead of "Compose". First you upload all the pictures you want to add to your post and you get something like:

‹a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=""›‹img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="0" alt="" /›‹/a›
(first image of the list, name "gigi-a.jpg")
‹a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=""›‹img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="0" alt="" /›‹/a
(second image of the list, name "gigi-b.jpg")

Each of these code blocks contains the link part, that is the ‹a href="blabla">‹/a› and the image that is the ‹img src="blabla.jpg"›, inside the link.
You can then sort the images in the post cutting and pasting the code blocks in different places in the list and you can then add the comments writing text directly above or under each block, like:

‹a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=""›‹img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="0" alt="" /›‹/a›
Comment: This is the picture I want to show you

Once you have read this post and you managed to sort pictures and add comments you can delete this and also the previous "test" (you can grab the code blocks from thare to fix your original post).

Sunday, February 12, 2006


comment - image 0

comment - image 1

comment - image 2

comment - image 3

comment - image 4

comment - image 5

comment - image 6

comment - image 7

comment - image 8

comment - image 9

comment - image 10

comment - image 11

How to measure the snowstorm

Call it a snowstorm when you see Gigi this way

The Snowstorm

This is my car before the snow was cleared..keep in mind that it is still snowing.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Week In a Nutshell

Well, this week has had it's ups and downs. 1st....the worst thing beautiful bunny has passed away. I am so sad and all I can do is cry. He passed away in the middle of the night just last night. I only discovered that he was ill last night but it was too late to call the Dr. I stayed with him for most of the night and I hoped that he would be ok in the morning but when I checked on him at 6am he had already passed. I have no idea how I will tell the kids because they went to the dads for the weekend and they don't know yet. I am so sick about it. He was fine the day before and hopping around owning the house just like always. The dogs and the cats knew who the boss was and it was always the littlest guy. His name was Hershey because he was chocolate colored and a dwarf so he looked like a little hershey kiss. Hershey would sleep in the GREAT big dog bed and the huge dogs would sit on the floor next to the bed waiting for the bunny to get up so they could have their bed back. He always ran up to me when I came into the room...he liked to climb in my lap so that I could pet him. I will miss my little buddy very much but I will never forget the sweet little guy. But I have to stop talking about him because I don't want to cry anymore.

There were some good things this week...we are currently waiting for a huge snowstorm...they are claiming that we will get 6-12 inches and possibly up to 20 me that translates that we will get a coating of snow. They ALWAYS promise all this snow then we get nothing. I think they do it so that people will go the store and buy bread and milk and then to the gas station for what else...gas...even though these people will not drive ANYWHERE once the snow begins but they have to have full tanks. ME...I go wherever in the snow...the streets are plowed and salted...and when it is snowing the store are empty. If you know me you know that I love the snow...WHEN it snows I will take some pictures for everyone to enjoy. Maybe if we are lucky it will snow hard enough to have off on monday...YEA!!!!!

That brings up the subject of school. Last weekend I was in the whole weekend studying for the first exam. I was so nervous about it and I studied my bijut off. I tried not to think about the exam after we took it because we do not get the results until friday after the exam...that was yesterday...and I got a B...I was so happy but the best thing..and I have to brag because it was so the multiple multiples. Usually they have 2-3 on the exam but on this one there were 11...they are really hard because you have to pick every single right answer to the question...if you miss one or add one then you get the whole thing wrong. I got every single one of them right....I was so happy about that!!!! Elena says that is reason enough for celebration.

There is no test or exam this week but I will study and try to get ahead on the homework for the trends class. It is hard to believe that the first rotation is over will be critical care unit...not looking forward to it and extremely nervous about it but I will get through it. We graduate in 13 more weeks, there are only 3 more rotations, 10 more clinical weeks, 20 lectures, 2 exams, one final, four tests, 1 senior rotation (which I will problably do on the floor I externed on) and 1 spring break....looking forward to that. Then the boards...but we will worry about that when the time comes.

My back is still bothering me but not like it was a few weeks ago...the stomach is slowly getting better...the asthma is improving and I am slowly but surely feeling better. Amazing how your body responds to illness, how one thing is connected to another and how when 1 thing goes wrong it sets off a train reaction and other things just follow along.

As usual we had lunch yesterday at the buffet and my mom came this time and Jim was able to be there... I always look forward to lunch with family on fridays.

Well...when/if it snows...I will post some pics. I have to get to the bank before it closes and I want to get some studying done.

Have a good day...ciao

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Embilee and Josh

Gotta love these two cuties
Emmy had a cheerleading competition and Josh had his first hockey game. These guys are so cute I can't stand it.