Wednesday, June 28, 2006

North Men

This is my Uncle Ed, Uncle John and my Dida. This picture was taken a few years back, right before my Uncle John went in for kidney surgery. Uncle John has since passed of kidney cancer. I can see how happy my dad is to be with his brothers again. They live in different states and they had not been together for quite some years. I was happy that my dad got the chance to be with them before his loving brother John passed.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Kidney Transplant was the day to take daddy for his evaluation for a kidney transplant...dialysis is making him weaker and not feel well....and his kidney function is we all trecked to the Einstein medical center in philly...they are extremely nice there and the hospital is beautiful...i was tested to see if i was a match and so was my mother but i don't think that she would be a good candidate because of her pacemaker...we will find out in a few days if we are compatible...
i will keep you updated...

Monday, June 26, 2006

My Blog

just to set the record straight....this here is MY blog...if you don't like it or think that it is dull then by all means...don't come here....if the things written seem outdated or the pics are from years ago...who friends know me and they know when the pics were taken and that is all that matters...

Mi Familia

I look at you in sheer amazement
that you belong to me
that you
do not even realize the
the great privilege
of your being.
there are flaws.
Some seen with the naked eyes
while others
are seen only through scrutinizing.
The flaws are there.
when you step back
all that can be seen
is the beautiful fabric.
The threads are there
each one holding the other
not realizing the
the importance
of the threads on either side.
But still
the threads go on
without recognizing
just being complacent
just ignoring the fact
if one thread were missing
pulled from the others
the fabric
the threads turning against each other
letting go..
falling to pieces..
rendering the fabric
The threads could become closer
holding on to each other even tighter.
One thread
to the others,
holding one another in place,
making the fabric stronger.
You are me
I am you
we are of but one fabric.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

2 second update

lunch with brother in 10 minutes

Elena's party last night ( great time)

cats hate Mackie....(my sister's dog)


pool = crystal clear

Billybobbie and Dannyboy are the CUTEST ever....of course so is joshua...that goes withjout saying...emmy is a princess...

the BR is open and i am going in

love ya'll

c u soon

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

OLOL Graduation class of 2006

My Italian BFF

My very handsome BFF. This was taken in the gardens of Boboli in Florence on my trip to Italy. (the best trip EVER)

After dinner
on the beach...
I am not so sure
where but Lorenzo
may remember.

Sunset in Piombino.

Skinny Babsie

This is the skinny me, before nursing school. It is my goal to be there again. See what nursing school does to ya.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Summer Days

Summer days bring back memories.
Days of laughter and freedom
and childhood innocence.
Long lazy days of swimming, playing, and reading.
Lovely memories of days gone by.
Memories of long bike rides with dozens of friends,
making our way to the lake for a day of swimming.
Memories of sitting alone with nothing more to do than
watching the fragranced summer breezes gently raise the kitchen curtains.
Memories of family bar-b-ques with Mom's potatoe salad, Aunt Pat's macaroni salad,
and Aunt Ronnie's ambrosia.
Families getting together for laughter and good times
and to talk about
memories of long ago summer days.
memories of
sweet summer days.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Graduation Pics...(about time)

Getting Ready....

Markie (handsome and tall),
Me, and my beautiful daughter Elyssa

Me and my gorgeous sissy, Sue

Sunday, June 11, 2006

This happens to me all the time

Funny Myspace pictures

My Friends

Yesterday Colleen had her big graduation party. We had the best time and it was SO great to see all my friends once again. I knew that I would miss them once we graduated because we are so used to seeing each other every single day. I did not know how great it would be to see everyone again, it was like we were never apart. We had all agreed that we would get together once a month but last night we decided that once a month was simply not enough and it would have to be once a week. I wholeheartedly agreed. You see, it is not just me that feels this way it is all the friends in the class. Instructors and outsiders look at the bond within the class and they say that it is extraordinary. We, for the most part, are a very closeknit group and we try to take care of each other and we support each other. I love and appreciate each and every one.

anyway...i just thought i would make a few comments about the bonds between the time we had

omg...Elena was hysterical...she had stories to tell and we could not stop laughing...Kim was her usual happy-go-lucky self...Di...what can i say about Dianna...oh yes...she will NEVER be my EX best friend (love ya Di)...Mike...he did not turn red once...not even when kimmie did her lap dance for him...Colleen..great food...and fun times...sangria was awesome...Scott...kept the stories and tall tales rolling all night long...Jon...funny as usual...and so sweet...the rest of the gang left earlier to go to another party in stratford so they missed the end of the party....

Colleen the cake was delish and i so would love a huge chunk right now :)

great friends...good times...wonderful memories

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I am but one

I am one person
but who??
I am a cook
I am a housekeeper
I am an accountant
I am a dishwasher
I am a teacher
I am a landscaper
I am a gardener
I am a seamtress
I am a launderer
I am a window cleaner
I am a veterinarian
I am a mechanic
I am a drywaller
I am a chemist
I am a student
I am a nurse
I am an angel
I am a CEO
I am a shopper
I am a friend
I am a neighbor
I am but one..


Thursday, June 08, 2006

adopt your own virtual pet!

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Daniel PowterBad Day

Daniel Powters MySpace Page

Saturday, June 03, 2006

pools suck

why do they suck so much??
why are they so much work??
why can't you open the thing up..and have crystal clear water??

points to ponder..

another thing
why do i even care??
i don't get in much..

the kids get in it a few times each year..
and here i am doing all the crap work and spending all the money..
