Time is Ticking
1 more test
1 more exam
1 final
5 more clinical weeks
6 more weeks till graduation
8 more lectures
9 more clinical days
graduation May 11th
The life and times of BABSIE
1 more test
1 more exam
1 final
5 more clinical weeks
6 more weeks till graduation
8 more lectures
9 more clinical days
graduation May 11th
OK...back to the trenches tomorrow...i am so not happy about it..but there is only 6 more weeks of school...ok...that is not so bad..
i have added a few links from operation smile...this is something that i would really like to volunteer for but my dear Lorenzo seems to have a big problem with it...he seems to think that it would not be safe for me there...i have to remind him that i work in the most dangerous place in all of united states....but now he has put the seed of doubt in me wittle head...:(
if you have any interests in robots i suggest you check out Bobspot...the man is brilliant and i have to thank him for his assistance on my research paper....thank you Bob!!!
i have completed writing the body of the research paper...there is just some tweaking left...i can't say how glad i am that the bulk of the paper is finished...now i have to work on the rest of the trends crap...
it is almost 11 pm and i have been in high gear since 6:30am....i have a bit longer to go before i can make it to bed...then begin again tomorrow morning....aaahhh.. the life of the nursing student...neverending perpetual motion...ever present YAWNS d/t lack of sleep...actually it is not even a lack of sleep...it is more a lack of nonmovement....eyelids grow heavy and sleep is persistant....i must go and do some research on parkinsons disease...joy of joys....big yawn!!!
ok....these past few weeks I have heard too many people vacationing in Italy...I am so jealous because I want to go back....it is absolutely gorgeous there and I had the very best time with my very best man... Lorenzo....