Babsie's blog
The life and times of BABSIE
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Lord God Almighty...
I have to say that I have read some blogs here and it seems like blah blah blah blah...wah wah wah...cry cry cry...GET OVER it are in your life...LIVE it...don't cry about it...if you do not like something CHANGE the best of your your life...don't sit there crying and watching life pass you by....rocking in a chair...thinking about the way things could have been or should have been...MAKE your is not about finding yourself it is about creating yourself...think about the person that you want to be and BE that person...stop whining about how other people have made your life miserable and YOU make your life happy...get out there and enjoy life and live it to the fullest...and if that means sitting in your living room and watching a really funny movie and LYAO than DO it...if it means walking the dog in the rain..then do can find happiness and beauty all around is there sitting..waiting to be noticed..waiting for someone to come along and to say..hey what a beautiful thingamabob that was...then you have seen the beauty of the thingamabob and you have made the day of the thingamabob a happy one....YES...there are times that things come along and shake us to our cores but then...we get up..brush ourselves off and move on...if we stay there in that moment then we sink as if in quicksand and it becomes harder and harder to get out of that sad lonely place...I speak these words because I have been there...stuck in the quicksand...sinking.. drowning...lonely...then one day I had enough and I picked myself up and started on a long, tough, painful journey...I am not quite at the end of that journey but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...I know that all the stress and crap that I have gone through will be well worth it and I have SO many good memories and have made so many great friends along the way that I would not trade those experiences good and bad for the old life...
right now I feel like I have tempted fate so I will shut up and hope that fate will leave me, and let me finish my journey and enjoy the benefits that I have worked so long and hard for...
I have fallen in love.

Yesterday I took Tyler to see Narnia. I thought it would be a good movie because Disney ALWAYS makes good movies and I think I remember Di saying it was a good movie because she took her neice to see it. Di has also read the books or rather the whole series of books. I have to be honest and embarassingly so because although I read like a..... hhhmmm....person reading a lot of books (I was looking for a metaphor but what do you say for that one) anyway...I have read MANY books growing up but I was reading classics such as "To Kill a Mocking Bird" and the like...but I had never heard of the Narnia series until now. Now I am addicted. The movie was not was FABULOUS. I loved every second of it. It is one movie that I could watch over and over again. I will surely see the whole series and when I am done school I will be reading ALL the books. If you get the chance to see the movie...GO, I hope that you enjoy it as much as we did.
Saturday, January 07, 2006's like this
I am so not even ready to go back to school...yet....nowhere even close to being ready...I know this time next week I will be crying my wee little heart out and for now I am not even thinking about going back...but...I get this call from one of my very most favorite instructors..and she says..there will be a nighttime clinical...I never heard of this fact no one I tell her that I have to make many arrangements...I work at night...I am a single mother with 3 children at home and I will have to make arrangements for now what do I do...
well...Elena wants to go first so that we can get it out of the her and Colleen already told the instructor...I spent the rest of Friday afternoon trying to call her and her line was busy....If I can't get the same rotation with all my other chickie mamas I will be my question is for you Di...have you taken the option to have the night clinical for your first rotation????because if you talk to Mrs. Greenberg will you please tell her that I want to be with you guys...thanks ya...
it looks like Weds will be good for everyone that is going...I only heard from our gang but nothing from Mike if you talk to him find out if he wants to go and I will email him to let him know when it is...
this is the worst rambling of a blog that I have ever seen...ok...maybe not THE worst but very close
one more thing..
the cookies were fabulous...loved did everyone else...I think I will have to make a batch for the first day back to meant to say school
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Best Cookies EVER!!!!
At Christmas time Jan ALWAYS brings me my very most favorite cookies that her Aunt makes....OMG...they are so good and they are low fat...they are my all time very most favorite cookies...and i will share the secret recipe with you..(only cause Jan gave it to me and it was in the courier post) goes...
3 egg whites
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
3/4 cup sugar
12 ounces chocolate chips
(that's ALL the ingredients)
preheat the oven to 375
lightly grease 2 9x13 inch cookie sheets
with electric mixer, beat together at med-high speed
egg whites
until soft peaks form
reduce to low speed and gradually add
beat until soft and glossy
gently fold in
chocolate chips
drop by spoons onto greased cookie sheets
(remember..the cookies do not change shape or make them the size that you want them)
turn the oven OFF and place trays in heated oven for about 8 hours...NO PEAKING!!!
the crunchy, chewy, meringuey, chocolatey goodness of the delectable "forgotten cookie"
I am making them now and I will let you know how they turn out...
can't wait
Yummy yummy in my tummy.....
It's official
Elena messaged me this morning with some awesome news....the countdown has officially begun..
17 weeks from today we la la la la dee da
oh what a glorious time it will be
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
New Years Resolution is that time once make the resolution that you have every intention of keeping.....and you do...for about oh..I don't know...a day or two......maybe a week....if your resolution is something that you really really REALLY are committed to you may continue with it for a month...if you are one of the lucky ones...
but for most of us the resolutions fall by the wayside soon after the new year begins...
I have to say that I hope I will continue with my new years resolution for the rest of my life because apparantly it has affected many resolution has 2 parts....
#1, I would like to be a kinder, gentler seems that I have been not the usual Babsie, happy-go-lucky chickie that I usually stress level has created a different version of the cool, calm and collected me that many have grown to love and appreciate...this fact was brought to my attention when my sweet, kind brother gave me my birthday present....he presented me with a bag and in the bag was a brochure with a large GC to a spa....he explained..." you have been SO stressed and SO overwhelmed with everything and this is your last semester and I want you to enjoy it and have a good time and I want you to be LESS STRESSED (he stressed that:)
if he sees that I am not the usual me I cannot imagine the effect my attitude has had on my loving children, who are with me EVERY is for their sake and the sake of all my loved ones that I will try to be less stressed, thus...hopefully regaining the old tried and true Babsie once more
but...there is another part to this resolution see...I think that in order to be less stressed I need to be more organized...not an easy accomplishment for me but I have every intention of succeeding in this endeavor....I will write things down so that I don't forget them or stress over the fact that I may forget them...I will put all my school work in ONE area and I will keep all the bills in another area...never the twain shall meet....these are the biggest stresses for me...bills and school...there are other stressors but these are the main ones...
I am optimistic that the result will be a much more pleasant and accepting person...who knows maybe I will even get better grades and have a cleaner house...
we can only hope :)
best wishes for a positive outcome in your new years resolutions...